Thursday, 16 November 2017

Ideology and Representation- NEWS

Ideology and Representation- NEWS

Ideology referees to a system of beliefs and values, refers to the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning. It can be normalise a dominant idea of the ruling class. 

News worthiness = how worthy a story is therefore is it included in the paper or not depending on the ideology of producer  

"if it bleeds it leads" eg murder, crime ect 

Broadsheet- formal, middle class audience 
Tabloid (red top)- gossip or celebrity news 

Local news paper- to a specific area
School newspaper- self explanatory

INTERTEXTUALITY: where a media products makes sense only through its reference to other media products, Barthes also referred to this process as referential codes

  • Very dramatic language and over the top, reference to thriller/action genre 
  • Reference maybe to the film 'the day after tomorrow' or disaster film suggesting trumps election is a disaster and tragedy 
  • Statue of liberty representing freedom but with hands over face shows distress 
  • Similar to weeping angles like in Doctor Who, another negative point
  • The colours in the background (dark red and black) could represent the apocalypse or end of the world therefore a biblical idea 

Wiki: Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as opposed, although a particular individual or group may take a left-wing stance on one matter and a right-wing stance on another, and some stances may overlap and be considered either left- or right-wing depending on the ideology.

Left: sharing, social equality, equal rights money everything, distribution of wealth and close gap between rich and poor, eg higher tax

Right: personal responsibility, each for their own, peking order, no national health service and no benefits    

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