Wednesday 15 November 2017

News papers vs Print Media

News papers vs Print Media

Small, several images in association with an article
One central main image maybe of model of celebrity 
May have lots of small text on the front, all black and in a single font 
Will have subtitles and or headings saying whats inside 
All in sections 

1) Title of the newspaper displayed on the front page = Masthead 
2) Used to scan the newspaper when purchasing = Barcode 
3) Brief text under image describing photo or graphic = Caption 
4) A phrase that sums up the main point of an article = Headline 
5) Dominant picture often filling up much of the front cover = Main image 
6) A system organisation within a magazine = Page numbers 
7) People who the news paper aims to sell too = Target audience 
8) Something taken from within an article usually said by the person = Pull Quote  
9) An advertisement that uses only text as oppose to a display ad = Classified ad 
10) An information panel on the front page that tells reader whats inside = Skyline
11) Sometimes papers print several every night = Addition 
12) Block texts that introduces the story = Sand first 
13) The line above the story which gives the authors name and job title = Byline 
14) Also known as copy written material that makes up part of article = Body text 
15) Picture story that can exist on its own = Stand alone 
16) A photograph that runs across middle of two pages = Centre spread    
17) Main story usally a splash = Lead story 
18) The blank space between the margins of facing pages = Gutter
19) The top label for the whole page = Folio 
20)  Everything on page except pictures or text eg lines or graphics = Page furniture 

Theory 1, 4

A powerful  binary opposition is formed through..... the black and white text, array of picture sizes and difference in style eg Rita Ora in provocative and revealing outfit and good lighting compared to the vicar in modest clothing and simple lighting 
the conflict created through this binary opposition positions the a conflicted and maybe angry/ interested way eg Title is controversial
The proairetic code formed by the typeface suggests..... an important announcement      

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