Thursday 21 September 2017



what is the function apart from selling something?

-present an ideal
-give a message
-show improvement

simply an advert sells abetter life suggesting our lives are not great therefore ads operate under the assumption we need improvement in out lifestyle 

Ideology: beliefs and values of media text (message and moral)

through an advert the producers message or belief comes through 

Dominant Ideology: set of ideas or culture that is commonly widely accepted in society  

Ideology of Tide soap ad:
                     women should love cleaning (love hearts and happy facial expressions) 
                     using the stereo type of women "house wife" image
                     the only images are of women cleaning so creates a whole world of just the                           domestic lifestyle, giving her purpose
                     subtly saying women are not bright, lacks intelligence (she hugs the soap box)

60s Maybelline Ad:
-it is a woman role to look pretty
-shows the 'perfect' way a women should look
-by buying product you can solve the issues in your life
-hammers home message of makeup = attractiveness
-direct mode of adress 'you'
-chatty ad = friendliness and helpful guide 

This ad reinforces the dominate ideology that women should wear makeup! 

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