Tuesday 23 April 2019

workshop- Postmodernism


Hyperreality- a representation of nothing (something that doesnt exist through the use of hyperreal imagery) audince now get confused between the signs of real of the real. Hyper real tends to be far more attactive or furistic 

Simulacra- a copy or a copy or representation, something that refers to something else and not something 'real'

Jean Baudrillard aurgued that the copy of a copy is real in its own way

Simulation- an imitation of something real

Archetype- a steryotype for a character 

Freinds: do you know a Chandler or  joey?
Audince activly idetifies with the certain charceters who were cynically constructed to maximise revenue 

Zoellas Picnic Party:
product placement eg. Fortnamus and Maisons hamper

escapist fantisy 

Anita constructs the 'perfect' breakfast for the family 
Threat to Laura as she is more motherly 

The only thing that is real is fiction 
As it is the only thing that the audince can truly indetify with 

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