Monday, 11 March 2019

Attitude online

-The orange text 'ENTERTAINMENT' is a folio 
-san serif font connotes importance reinforced with capital letters 
-'Related stories' not nessicarily linked to the article 
-anchoring image of middle aged east Asian/American director 
-Image is anchored with title as it includes him surrounded by film equipment
-making gay themed films from the early 90s
-normalised and candid image of him at work 
-complex representation (bisexual) 
-initial formal mode of address
-mentioning 'sexual fludity' and 'LGBTQ' before talking about him shows that this is more important to get across than his new show 
-'for anyone out of the loop' could come across as patronising for straight people
-assumption of audience knowledge about gay culture 
-article itself is informal 
-name of his films as a reference point
-examples of hyper modality (tweet, instagram and fb) 

Forerunner of the new QUEER cinema  - reappropration of the derogatory term queer 

How are gay men represented in Attitude online?

mostly topless and in provocative poses 

Article critical to lack of represenation of different boy types 

Heavy emphasise on appearance which reinforces a gay stereotype 

Articles featuring prejudice and attacks on gay men reinforce the ideology that to be gay are in the minority 

Even straight actors are represented and codified to appeal to a gay male audience
-For example the voyeristic shots of Cristiano Ronaldo emphasising his body (tight fitting underwear and hyper masculine) provides audience with fantasy

Why do groups sometimes deliberately live up to stereotypes

  • Visibility- a way of demonstrating pride and lack of fear 
  • To fit into a community
  • being young and impressionable- following structure and advice 
  • To find a partner 
  • as a way of seeking attention and to stand out 

Attitude onlines primary purpose is to promote the magazine 

has a dedicated regular readership 

  • What representations of masculinity are constructed in this front cover? Make explicit reference to the toolkit for textual analysis.
subversive representation of masculinity with the nail varnish and makeup with conflicts of hegomoically held views of masculinity however that is a contrast to the alfa male army jacket. over all a subversive and complex representation that does not show a stereotype.
  • To what extent does this cover subvert hegemonic representations of masculinity?
The hand on the hip comes across as camp and feminine pose however which contrasts with his outfit. On the other hand the angry and accusatory facial expression connotes violence which fits with the outfit and mis-en-scene. 
  • How is anchorage provided by the cover lines of the magazine cover?
Sharing a relatable 'gay' experience with the cover story therefore aimed at a gay cult audience 
  • How does the print version of Attitude demonstrate digital convergence?


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