Component one Section A) analysing media and language and representation
-kiss of the vamp
-Tide soap
-water aid
Component one Section B) analysing media industries and audiences
-Tide soap
-water aid
All media needs a certain audience in order to sell something
Reaction of the audience to the media product
Propaganda = brain wash of the people eg. WW2
Target audience= the specific group the producers tries to captivate with product
Primary audience= the first audience product is aimed at
Secondary audience= second group of people considered by the producer
Media products are always aimed at very specific audiences
Text Audience Producer
(Producer encodes text - audience decodes text)
-Targeting when the producer aims to a specific type of audience
-Attracting how the producer makes the media appeal to target audience
-Reaching "grabbing" audience attention, where and how it reaches them
-Addressing who/what/how the producer is speaking out too
-Constructing create an audience to accompany product
Video Game: "The last of Us"
primary audience- older male
dark, dull colour scheme
dirty, dank and unhygienic looking costumes and background mis-en-scene
possesses depressing and serious tone
apocalypse style mis-en-scene (post apocalyptic genre)
more story based because of the two characters and maybe relationship
more personal 'the last of us'
secondary audience- younger women
by having girl on the front women can relate
not being sexualised
How can we break down audiences?
Example of a demographic: relating to the structure of populations.
"the demographic trend is towards an older population"
Psychographic: qualitative way of categorising people eg.
Aspires- people who want to appear rich and attractive
Reformers- people who want social change
Explorers- people who like taking ricks and trying new things
Mainstreamers- people who follow the crowd
Strugglers- people who find it hard to achieve (often connect with poverty)
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