-Bright colourful and eye-catching
-old fashioned maybe 50s
-cartoon imagery and text
-feminine: curvy title, little hearts
-very wordy maybe in a magazine
- too happy; ubiquitous (all the time) smile
-body language hugging the box
-ad within an ad?
-not a single man in sight
-specific address with “you women”
-launched in 1946 in America, still a product today
-used print and radio adverts to build up familiarity
with brand
-the main character is the housewife and became a
popular icon
LANG (codes)
Proairetic code- 1) the close up of the house wife hugging the box
suggests she has a relationship with the product and brings her joy
Symbolic code- 1) the bright colour, forceful language and immediate
address indicates the happiness and the buyer will feel when using the product
2) constant smiles reinforce
the joy and happiness the women feel ‘forever’
3) sanserif font is
friendly and not intimidating
Hermeneutic code- 1) the almost brain washing type of language giving
the command
2) the Z-line
combined with the red lettering creates some sort of mystery
-the word ‘White’ is used almost in a racial way, all
characters are white
-the words ‘you women’ creates community for women and
gives them a sense of comradeship
-the use of superlatives ‘cleanest, whitest,
brightest’ \hyperbole (very over the top language) ‘miracle’
-the lexis creates the ‘best product’ vibe
-the ‘sudsing whizz’ gives informality and women to
women friendliness
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