Monday 15 October 2018


This english adaptation of the Swedish "Real Humans' is partially British eg. setting of Kings Cross 

Majority of people don't enjoy watching subtitles
Use of recognisable iconic actors 

Character that occurs again and again is an Archetype 

Key msie-en-scene the coloured eyes of the robots 

Automation of labour = robots being used to do manual labour  

  • What science fiction codes and conventions are evidenced? Are these utilised in a typical or atypical way?
  • What groups are represented? What ideological perspective-Teenagers, working class/ middle class families, the elderly, scientists, clearly defined stereotypical characters so audience can relate quickly  
  • Who is the primary target audience for this show?
  • All science fiction holds a mirror to society. What real world allegorical themes are dealt with here?- development of AI
  • What character archetypes are utilised in this show? To what extent does the narrative rely on them?
  • What intertextual references/referential codes did you notice? How do these potentially reward the viewing experience?

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