Thursday 1 March 2018

Gratification in media products

In what ways can audiences take please from media products?

Similar life style- seeing people of similar age, social situation and similar ideologies to target audience

Escapism- by assuming the the life of target audiences is flawed, a media product can temporarily allow a perfect world to live in

Surveillance/voyeurism- allows the target audience to see situations and people that they would not normally see

Sexual gratification- where the target audience take pleasure in seeing people they find attractive

Social interaction- where the audience are able to use the media product to make friends and integrated into society

PRAY IN C (music video)

Gratification for audience:

  • Two girls almost kissing- allows a heterosexual male audience to create fetish like fantasy- sexual gratification- devalues the idea of lesbian sexuality- Van Zoonen assumption of male audience
  • mid/long shot of two girls flashing the camera- also for heterosexual male audience gratification- stereotyping and sexualising young women 
  • Mexican day of the dead theme- preferred reading 'it looks cool'- escapism for audience- oppositional reading, cultural appropriation, very inappropriate
  • The group of guys skating about and fooling around- escapism- just having fun and messing around with no responsibilities 
  • Painting graffiti on the walls- simliar lifestyle- young and rebellious youth can see others 'living the dream'
  • Private party- pleasure of observing cool party- surveillance- secret and dark feel
  • Face paint being applied- girl carefully doing her makeup- almost like a makeup tutorial- satisfaction and pleasure taken from time and effort plus beauty
  • Mid shot of women arse- allows a heterosexual male audience escapism to look purely at the womens arse in slow mo

Rebecca Black 'Friday'

Everything wrong with this music video:
  • very bad lip syncing 
  • trashy edits eg. bus stop sign
  • very saturated colours
  • awful lyrics about morning routine 


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