Thursday, 23 November 2017

Analysing bias and the construction of representation in news papers

Analysing bias and the construction of representation in 
The Times and The Daily Mirror:

referential code of a weeping angle gives negative connotations. Black smoke suggests a fire and destruction and could insinuate 9/11. The Master head being a question leaves the reader stunned and unanswered.   

Americans are represented as hooligans and ridiculous. By using the term 'Brexit' they make it relatable to a British audience. By using derogatory photos shows the people as irresponsible and stupid creating a bad impressions of Americans  

This wrap around cover would have been payed for. This image shows power, responsibility and a winner. Trumps raised first could seem negative however in this context it looks strong and almost outreaching to the people.   

Audience Negotiation Reading: happens every time people interact with media, agree/disagree and challenge producers point of view/ agree with parts but not all of it  

Re - 'again' plus presentation = representation when something is written about in news not happening at that immediate moment

every representation we see is constructed, consider who has done it, how and why.....  

  • The group place or issue in which the text is focusing eg. Americas (point)
  • The technical devices of the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues (evidence) 
  • The message about the group or issue being created within the text
  • The impact of this message on the target audience (argument)

  1. Open your newspaper key terms post in a new tab, and bullet point list as many examples of these from the newspapers as possible (not every key term will crop up!)
  2. Broadly what political beliefs do these newspapers have? Use the 'bias list' above to identify how the newspaper presents it's political bias. 
  3. What representation of America is constructed in these newspapers? Use explicit examples from the newspapers. 

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