Case Studies: I, Daniel Blake and Straight Outta Compton
"Distribution is the key to success for any media industry" - How have digital technologies affected the ways in which films are produced and distributed?
Underline key points
Knee Jerk reaction
Distribution refers to the ways in which media products are shared and given out to their intended target audience. Distribution is absolutely vital to the financial success of the film, and this is made increasingly more so by advances in digital technology.
Specialised Industry
Digital Convergence
Social Media
Legendary ( Producer ) and Universal ( Distribution )
Convergence and Synergy
Genre theory and building a target audience
Stardom and Celebrity
Power and Media Industries - Curran and Seaton
Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt
Cultural Industries - David Hesmondhalgh
Horizontal, Vertical Integration and Multimedia Integration
Regulation - Media regulation is the control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies. This regulation, via law, rules or procedures, can have various goals, for example, intervention to protect a stated "public interest", or encouraging competition and an effective media market, or establishing common technical standards.
British Board of Film Classification - The BBFC is the UK’s regulator of film and video, providing age ratings such as U, PG and 12A. They are a designated body so have legal powers to rate, and sometimes cut or even reject works.
British Board of Film Classification - The BBFC is the UK’s regulator of film and video, providing age ratings such as U, PG and 12A. They are a designated body so have legal powers to rate, and sometimes cut or even reject works.
Traditional marketing refers to trailers, teasers, posters, billboards
Websites are interactive, very visual, links to social media.
Social Marketing- creating social media pages for characters etc
Viral Marketing Campaign - Blair witch - a website was made to make it look like a real myth and that was currently being investigated. People believe the teens had really gone missing,
Press Marketing - allowing the press access to your set or pre-made images of characters etc, will encourage them to make the main feature from a film or even a cover.
Pr Stunts- a globally popular event watched by millions, opens with James Bond and the Queen entering the stadium, unexpected. Word of mouth.
Fan Created Marketing. Could be through their own websites, forums, twitter feeds or Facebook pages, fan fiction, fan-made merch, fan-made posters. e.g

The point of a trailer is to build hype and sell the film. The film is a biopic on the life of the members of the N.W.A. The trailer glosses over swearing and leaves out some bits of narrative. This creates a hermeneutic code to make you want to see the film. The trailer DOES NOT have a voice-over; it uses the characters speech to introduce themselves and everyone else. There is also the absence of a release date and the names of the actors portraying the characters. The film is majority-black cast, which is sadly strange for a big-Hollywood blockbuster.
During the past two weeks, leading up to Aug. 14 2015 , the release of Straight Outta Compton, he got his answer: The efforts of the four companies resulted in several attention-getting plays: When UFC champ Ronda Rousey knocked out Bethe Correia in 34 seconds on Aug. 1, the Straight Outta Compton label was right below her on the mat; there was an ad for the film that played during the first Republican presidential debate on Aug. 6; the "Straight Outta Somewhere" meme went viral with nearly 6 million personalized labels being shared on the Internet; and the word "Compton" was literally painted over the skies of Los Angeles.
Websites are interactive, very visual, links to social media.
Social Marketing- creating social media pages for characters etc
Viral Marketing Campaign - Blair witch - a website was made to make it look like a real myth and that was currently being investigated. People believe the teens had really gone missing,
Press Marketing - allowing the press access to your set or pre-made images of characters etc, will encourage them to make the main feature from a film or even a cover.
Pr Stunts- a globally popular event watched by millions, opens with James Bond and the Queen entering the stadium, unexpected. Word of mouth.
Fan Created Marketing. Could be through their own websites, forums, twitter feeds or Facebook pages, fan fiction, fan-made merch, fan-made posters. e.g
Straight outta Compton
Racial Profiling is key in the song 'Fuck the Police' by N.W.A, (Racial profiling is a judgement based on race/skin colour). The solution is given by the N.W.A is to kill the police. Skits are used throughout the song to impersonate a white police officer arresting, but at the end of the song, the police officer was dragged off to court for racial profiling. The song highlights key issues with gun law.
Reappropriation is taking ownership of a word.
Straight outta Compton was produced by Legendary Pictures, who entered into a partnership with Universal Pictures in 2014. It is essential to note the film was made and distributed by a major, vertically integrated film studio that is part of a media conglomerate is significant in terms of funding, possibilities for cross-promotion and reaching a global audience.
Theatrical trailer is viewed 7.5 million times, with the potential to be shared on social media.
Ties in to themes of police brutality, especially the black lives matter movement. Iconography of the trailer with images of riots and police conflicts capitalised on this.
Traditional forms of marketing including billboards, posters, trailers and magazine adverts
Film later distributed on Netflix, with a vast potential multinational audience.
Fan edits and memes created from the Straight Outta Compton logo, which itself was based on a Parental Advisory Sticker
BBFC 15 certificate, very strong language, violence, sex and drugs. Use of very strong language limits potential audience, yet the film was recut to avoid an 18 certificate.
The extended directors cut rated 18, where regulation issues less likely to effect sales.
Theatrical trailer is viewed 7.5 million times, with the potential to be shared on social media.
Ties in to themes of police brutality, especially the black lives matter movement. Iconography of the trailer with images of riots and police conflicts capitalised on this.
Traditional forms of marketing including billboards, posters, trailers and magazine adverts
Film later distributed on Netflix, with a vast potential multinational audience.
Fan edits and memes created from the Straight Outta Compton logo, which itself was based on a Parental Advisory Sticker
BBFC 15 certificate, very strong language, violence, sex and drugs. Use of very strong language limits potential audience, yet the film was recut to avoid an 18 certificate.
The extended directors cut rated 18, where regulation issues less likely to effect sales.

During the past two weeks, leading up to Aug. 14 2015 , the release of Straight Outta Compton, he got his answer: The efforts of the four companies resulted in several attention-getting plays: When UFC champ Ronda Rousey knocked out Bethe Correia in 34 seconds on Aug. 1, the Straight Outta Compton label was right below her on the mat; there was an ad for the film that played during the first Republican presidential debate on Aug. 6; the "Straight Outta Somewhere" meme went viral with nearly 6 million personalized labels being shared on the Internet; and the word "Compton" was literally painted over the skies of Los Angeles.
I, Daniel Blake
Official Website: Discounted cinema tickets for the target demographic ( Working Class )
Low Production values and budget, targeting a middle class and socially conscious audience
Traditional methods of distribution. Premiered in Cannes, and then sold to the distributor
( eOne ) for UK distribution
Production : financed by BFI, BBC, Wild Bunch, Canal Plus
Distributed in France under the title Moi, Daniel Blake
An independent film created through the collaboration of many international financiers
Traditional theatrical trailer, which was also distributed digitally
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