Monday, 29 January 2018

Marxism/ Huck interveiw

Karl Marx and Marxism: 

the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism.

"Necessity is blind till it becomes conscious 
Freedom is the consciousness of necessity"-Karl 


being constantly manipulated by an elite ruling class means we do not live with equality 
eg. adbusters write about and illustrate this issue

Are we living in a democracy?

yes- we can vote, free speech
no- we don't have full free will

companies can put is and have a political say therefore could make profit depending on which way the vote swings

HEGEMONY -leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others
STEREOTYPING -view or represent as a stereotype
CONFORMS -comply with rules, standards, or laws
SUBVERTS -undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution)
OBJECTIFICATION -the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object
SEXULISATION -to make something sexual in character or quality

Example paragraph:
Adbusters subverts the male gaze theory by not presenting women as sexual objects through combining binary oppositional images and displaying somewhat controversial or non stereotypical versions of the female form. This illustrates bell hooks theory of feminism and the struggle to end the domination of women, therefore Adbusters does not comply to the idea of patriarchal hegemony. For example the women present are not wearing makeup, do not appear in a domestic environment and do not conform to stereotypes.  BOOM!!!!!!!!!         

-start paragraph in blunt way
-evidence plus example
-don't lead with theory, back up evidence
-talk about mise-en-scene, shot type ect
-Anchorage of image

Adbusters is deliberately difficult to analyse however it should be compared with women magazine!!!!
Ideology presents message about inequality, gender and race  

Adbusters rejects the stereotypical hegemony and replaces it with their own ethos

There purpose is to subvert the norm!

Its name explicitly reveals its motive in ripping appart the paid adverts through culture jamming their messages

furiously anti capitalist magazine, broadly marxist

specifically ridicule ads that are already made

"preaching to the converted" 

magazine lacks anchorage 

use of binary oppostions mock ad companies and consumerism increasing the culture jamming element

audience members can send in images to magazine 

Culture Jamming

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